Source code for

import os

from import Transformations, data_loader
from import unnormalize, normalize

[docs]class BaseDataset: """Loads a dataset. Args: train_batch_size (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of images to consider in each batch in train set. (default: 0) val_batch_size (:obj:`int`, optional): Number of images to consider in each batch in validation set. (default: 0) cuda (:obj:`bool`, optional): True is GPU is available. (default: False) num_workers (:obj:`int`, optional): How many subprocesses to use for data loading. (default: 0) path (:obj:`str`, optional): Path where dataset will be downloaded. If no path provided, data will be downloaded in a pre-defined directory. train_split (:obj:`float`, optional): Fraction of dataset to assign for training. This parameter will not work for MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets. (default: 0.7) resize (:obj:`tuple`, optional): Resize the input to the given height and width. (default: (0, 0)) padding (:obj:`tuple`, optional): Pad the image if the image size is less than the specified dimensions (height, width). (default: (0, 0)) crop (:obj:`tuple`, optional): Randomly crop the image with the specified dimensions (height, width). (default: (0, 0)) horizontal_flip_prob (:obj:`float`, optional): Probability of an image being horizontally flipped. (default: 0) vertical_flip_prob (:obj:`float`, optional): Probability of an image being vertically flipped. (default: 0) rotate_degree (:obj:`float`, optional): Angle of rotation for image augmentation. (default: 0) cutout_prob (:obj:`float`, optional): Probability that cutout will be performed. (default: 0) cutout_dim (:obj:`tuple`, optional): Dimensions of the cutout box (height, width). (default: (8, 8)) hue_saturation_prob (:obj:`float`, optional): Probability of randomly changing hue, saturation and value of the input image. (default: 0) contrast_prob (:obj:`float`, optional): Randomly changing contrast of the input image. (default: 0) """ def __init__( self, train_batch_size=1, val_batch_size=1, cuda=False, num_workers=1, path=None, train_split=0.7, resize=(0, 0), padding=(0, 0), crop=(0, 0), horizontal_flip_prob=0.0, vertical_flip_prob=0.0, gaussian_blur_prob=0.0, rotate_degree=0.0, cutout_prob=0.0, cutout_dim=(8, 8), hue_saturation_prob=0.0, contrast_prob=0.0 ): """Initializes the dataset for loading.""" self.cuda = cuda self.num_workers = num_workers self.path = path self.train_split = train_split self.train_batch_size = train_batch_size self.val_batch_size = val_batch_size if self.path is None: self.path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '.cache') if not os.path.exists(self.path): os.makedirs(self.path) # Set data augmentation parameters self.resize = resize self.padding = padding self.crop = crop self.horizontal_flip_prob = horizontal_flip_prob self.vertical_flip_prob = vertical_flip_prob self.gaussian_blur_prob = gaussian_blur_prob self.rotate_degree = rotate_degree self.cutout_prob = cutout_prob self.cutout_dim = cutout_dim self.hue_saturation_prob = hue_saturation_prob self.contrast_prob = contrast_prob # Get dataset statistics self.image_size = self._get_image_size() self.mean = self._get_mean() self.std = self._get_std() # Get data self._split_data() def _split_data(self): """Split data into training and validation set.""" # Set training data self.train_transform = self._transform() self.train_data = self._download() self.classes = self._get_classes() # Set validation data self.val_transform = self._transform(train=False) self.val_data = self._download(train=False) def _transform(self, train=True, data_type=None, normalize=True): """Define data transformations Args: train (bool, optional): If True, download training data else download the test data. (default: True) data_type (str, optional): Type of image. Required only when dataset has multiple types of images. (default: None) Returns: Returns data transforms based on the training mode. """ args = { 'mean': self.mean, 'std': self.std, 'resize': self.resize, 'train': False, 'normalize': normalize, } if not data_type is None: args['mean'] = self.mean[data_type] args['std'] = self.std[data_type] if train: args['train'] = True args['padding'] = self.padding args['crop'] = self.crop args['horizontal_flip_prob'] = self.horizontal_flip_prob args['vertical_flip_prob'] = self.vertical_flip_prob args['gaussian_blur_prob'] = self.gaussian_blur_prob args['rotate_degree'] = self.rotate_degree args['cutout_prob'] = self.cutout_prob args['cutout_dim'] = self.cutout_dim args['hue_saturation_prob'] = self.hue_saturation_prob args['contrast_prob'] = self.contrast_prob return Transformations(**args) def _download(self, train=True, apply_transform=True): """Download dataset. Args: train (bool, optional): True for training data. (default: True) apply_transform (bool, optional): True if transform is to be applied on the dataset. (default: True) Returns: Downloaded dataset. """ raise NotImplementedError def _get_image_size(self): """Return shape of data i.e. image size.""" raise NotImplementedError def _get_classes(self): """Get list of classes present in the dataset.""" return None def _get_mean(self): """Returns mean of the entire dataset.""" return (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) def _get_std(self): """Returns standard deviation of the entire dataset.""" return (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
[docs] def data(self, train=True): """Return data based on train mode. Args: train (:obj:`bool`, optional): True for training data. (default: True) Returns: Training or validation data and targets. """ data = self.train_data if train else self.val_data return, data.targets
[docs] def unnormalize(self, image, transpose=False, data_type=None): """Un-normalize a given image. Args: image (:obj:`numpy.ndarray` or :obj:`torch.Tensor`): A ndarray or tensor. If tensor, it should be in CPU. transpose (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, transposed output will be returned. This param is effective only when image is a tensor. If tensor, the output will have channel number as the last dim. (default: False) data_type (:obj:`str`, optional): Type of image. Required only when dataset has multiple types of images. (default: None) Returns: (`numpy.ndarray` or `torch.Tensor`): Unnormalized image """ mean = self.mean if data_type is None else self.mean[data_type] std = self.std if data_type is None else self.std[data_type] return unnormalize(image, mean, std, transpose)
[docs] def normalize(self, image, transpose=False, data_type=None): """Normalize a given image. Args: image (:obj:`numpy.ndarray` or :obj:`torch.Tensor`): A ndarray or tensor. If tensor, it should be in CPU. transpose (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, transposed output will be returned. This param is effective only when image is a tensor. If tensor, the output will have channel number as the last dim. (default: False) data_type (:obj:`str`, optional): Type of image. Required only when dataset has multiple types of images. (default: None) Returns: (`numpy.ndarray` or `torch.Tensor`): Normalized image """ mean = self.mean if data_type is None else self.mean[data_type] std = self.std if data_type is None else self.std[data_type] return normalize(image, mean, std, transpose)
[docs] def loader(self, train=True): """Create data loader. Args: train (:obj:`bool`, optional): True for training data. (default: True) Returns: Dataloader instance. """ loader_args = { 'batch_size': self.train_batch_size if train else self.val_batch_size, 'num_workers': self.num_workers, 'cuda': self.cuda } return data_loader( self.train_data, **loader_args ) if train else data_loader(self.val_data, **loader_args)