Source code for

import torch
import numpy as np

[docs]def unnormalize(image, mean, std, transpose=False): """Un-normalize a given image. Args: image (:obj:`numpy.ndarray` or :obj:`torch.Tensor`): A ndarray or tensor. If tensor, it should be in CPU. mean (:obj:`float` or :obj:`tuple`): Mean. It can be a single value or a tuple with 3 values (one for each channel). std (:obj:`float` or :obj:`tuple`): Standard deviation. It can be a single value or a tuple with 3 values (one for each channel). transpose (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, transposed output will be returned. This param is effective only when image is a tensor. If tensor, the output will have channel number as the last dim. (default: False) Returns: (`numpy.ndarray` or `torch.Tensor`): Unnormalized image """ # Check if image is tensor, convert to numpy array tensor = False if type(image) == torch.Tensor: # tensor tensor = True if len(image.size()) == 3: image = image.transpose(0, 1).transpose(1, 2) image = np.array(image) # Perform normalization image = image * std + mean # Convert image back to its original data type if tensor: if not transpose and len(image.shape) == 3: image = np.transpose(image, (2, 0, 1)) image = torch.Tensor(image) return image
[docs]def normalize(image, mean, std, transpose=False): """Normalize a given image. Args: image (:obj:`numpy.ndarray` or :obj:`torch.Tensor`): A ndarray or tensor. If tensor, it should be in CPU. mean (:obj:`float` or :obj:`tuple`): Mean. It can be a single value or a tuple with 3 values (one for each channel). std (:obj:`float` or :obj:`tuple`): Standard deviation. It can be a single value or a tuple with 3 values (one for each channel). transpose (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, transposed output will be returned. This param is effective only when image is a tensor. If tensor, the output will have channel number as the last dim. (default: False) Returns: (`numpy.ndarray` or `torch.Tensor`): Normalized image """ # Check if image is tensor, convert to numpy array tensor = False if type(image) == torch.Tensor: # tensor tensor = True if len(image.size()) == 3: image = image.transpose(0, 1).transpose(1, 2) image = np.array(image) # Perform normalization image = (image - mean) / std # Convert image back to its original data type if tensor: if not transpose and len(image.shape) == 3: image = np.transpose(image, (2, 0, 1)) image = torch.Tensor(image) return image
[docs]def to_numpy(tensor): """Convert 3-D torch tensor to a 3-D numpy array. Args: tensor (torch.Tensor): Tensor to be converted. Returns: (*numpy.ndarray*): Image in numpy form. """ return tensor.transpose(0, 1).transpose(1, 2).clone().numpy()
[docs]def to_tensor(ndarray): """Convert 3-D numpy array to 3-D torch tensor. Args: ndarray (numpy.ndarray): Array to be converted. Returns: (*torch.Tensor*): Image in tensor form. """ return torch.Tensor(np.transpose(ndarray, (2, 0, 1)))