Source code for tensornet.models.loss

import torch.nn as nn

from .ssim import SSIMLoss, MSSSIMLoss
from .dice import DiceLoss, BCEDiceLoss
from .rmse import RMSELoss

[docs]def cross_entropy_loss(): """Cross Entropy Loss. The loss automatically applies the softmax activation function on the prediction input. Returns: Cross entroy loss function """ return nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
[docs]def bce_loss(): """Binary Cross Entropy Loss. The loss automatically applies the sigmoid activation function on the prediction input. Returns: Binary cross entropy loss function """ return nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
[docs]def mse_loss(): """Mean Squared Error Loss. Returns: Mean squared error loss function """ return nn.MSELoss()
[docs]def rmse_loss(smooth=1e-6): """Root Mean Squared Error Loss. Returns: Root mean squared error loss function """ return RMSELoss(smooth=1e-6)
[docs]def dice_loss(smooth=1): """Dice Loss. Args: smooth (:obj:`float`, optional): Smoothing value. A larger smooth value (also known as Laplace smooth, or Additive smooth) can be used to avoid overfitting. (default: 1) Returns: Dice loss function """ return DiceLoss(smooth=smooth)
[docs]def bce_dice_loss(smooth=1e-6): """BCE Dice Loss. Args: smooth (:obj:`float`, optional): Smoothing value. Returns: BCE Dice loss function """ return BCEDiceLoss(smooth=smooth)
[docs]def ssim_loss(data_range=1.0, size_average=True, channel=1): """SSIM Loss. Args: data_range (:obj:`float` or :obj:`int`, optional): Value range of input images (usually 1.0 or 255). (default: 255) size_average (:obj:`bool`, optional): If size_average=True, ssim of all images will be averaged as a scalar. (default: True) channel (:obj:`int`, optional): input channels (default: 1) Returns: SSIM loss function """ return SSIMLoss( data_range=data_range, size_average=size_average, channel=channel )
[docs]def ms_ssim_loss(data_range=1.0, size_average=True, channel=1): """MS-SSIM Loss. Args: data_range (:obj:`float` or :obj:`int`, optional): Value range of input images (usually 1.0 or 255). (default: 1.0) size_average (:obj:`bool`, optional): If size_average=True, ssim of all images will be averaged as a scalar. (default: True) channel (:obj:`int`, optional): input channels (default: 1) Returns: MS-SSIM loss function """ return MSSSIMLoss( data_range=data_range, size_average=size_average, channel=channel )